
COVID Response: 业务 Program On-校园 Experiences

娱乐业务, 音乐行业, 体育营销 & 媒体 students are staying industry-ready with hybrid remote and campus learning.

COVID Response: 业务 Program On-校园 Experiences - Hero image

This information may be outdated. 去访问.wolaipei.com/coronavirus for 满帆的 current COVID-19 policies and responses.

满帆的 娱乐业务, 音乐行业, 体育营销 & 媒体 programs prepare students for the business side of glamorous industries with real-world education that prioritizes collaboration, 实践项目, 和网络. The COVID-19 pandemic threw a curveball at these campus degrees, but the departments rose to the challenge with hybrid learning that safely gave students the same benefits they’d enjoyed pre-pandemic.

娱乐业务 & 音乐行业

娱乐业务 Program Director Jackie Otero created voluntary on-campus options for lectures and campus-wide sessions that got students back to 满帆 to learn about business proposals, 金融, 数字营销, 和更多的 without compromising their safety.

"学生 have the option of attending at least one class-specific meeting per week, one business school-specific campus workshop per week, plus at least one campus-wide, 每周进行一次面对面的培训,杰基说。. This helps students stay connected to the material in each class, as well as their degree program and the university at large.

学生 have a lot of options if they choose to go to a campus-wide session. "The sessions include speed networking, 写作工作坊, a monthly collaboration incubator where students can work on personal projects together, 嘉宾演讲活动, 技术培训讲习班, content related to trends and technology, 和更多的," says 娱乐业务 master’s Program Manager Victoria Wasinger.

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业务 students gather for a socially-distanced class.

体育营销 & 媒体

Professional sports teams are getting back in gear after pandemic-related shutdowns, 满帆 体育营销 & 媒体 students are keeping pace with the industry through optional campus course offerings. Weekly individual class lectures and combined lectures are on the table, the program hosts 业务 Workshops every Friday. These on-campus options give students time to gain proficiency with DSLR cameras, 完成小组项目, put the finishing touches on their final projects and presentations.

"The ability for campus students to be in the classroom with their instructor allows for much-needed conversations and learning to occur outside of normal lecture material,雷琳·迈克菲说, 体育营销 & 媒体项目总监. "More learning takes place in this ancillary time around normal lecture material when [students are] face-to-face in the classroom."

安全 & 技术

All 业务 instructors and students are following 校园安全协议, including social distancing, mask requirements, temperature checks. The programs are also using portable iPad stations and Neat bars with high quality audio and video to enhance virtual options for remote students and faculty.

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A student uses a temperature check station before entering campus.

Incoming students with questions about the safety protocols for their degree program should contact their 招生 Representative at 800.226.7625 查阅资料及指引.

Current students should consult 满帆一号 for information about their upcoming lab schedules and can contact 满帆 Support with any questions or concerns about their on-campus experience.