Full Sail University

Creative Writing MFA Grad Writing For OWN Network Series

电影和创意写作毕业生Devan Renea的学分包括 Queen Sugar and the upcoming Delilah.


当德万·雷内亚进入高级生产课程的时候 Film bachelor's program 在Full Sail,她清楚地知道自己想在哪里结束:一个作家的房间. 她回忆道:“我是那个班的制片人,我就爱上了他。. "I just knew that's what I wanted to do."

Drawn to theatre and performing arts from a young age, 德万高中三年级毕业后,曾教过一段时间的戏剧. 在霍华德大学和摩根州立大学完成戏剧艺术副学士学位后, 她选择了一种更独特的方式来满足她对制作的兴趣.

在了解了Full Sail并参观了校园之后, the experience made her decision simple.

"I visualized seeing myself on that backlot," she says. "I visualized being on that studio lot and doing my work." While making her visualization a reality wasn't simple, 德万最终找到了去Full Sail校园追寻梦想的路.

德万完成了她的电影学士学位,并决定从事电视写作. Then, 她被选为著名的电视学院实习项目,在加利福尼亚为华纳地平线公司工作了两个月, 最终成为一名全职的办公室协调员.

“这是我在电影课程中获得的专业精神的基础,这真的很有帮助, because I wasn't afraid of taking on those challenges," she says. “当我要穿上邋遢的衣服去找那份制作工作的时候, I did, 华纳的团队对此印象深刻,他们说, 'Yeah, we'll hire you.'"

她知道自己成为制片人的道路并不是结束于办公室协调员的角色, 德万在华纳地平线公司全职工作期间,参加了创意写作硕士课程. Devan's drive, knowledge, 和专业精神最终被制片人梅丽莎·卡特注意到了, 是谁邀请德万担任奥普拉·温弗瑞的OWN电视台即将播出的剧集的制作人助理, Queen Sugar. For the next year, Devan would work alongside Melissa Carter, Oprah Winfrey, 和该剧主创艾娃·杜威内合作,将这部成功的剧集从书搬上银幕. After the success of Queen Sugar, Devan would go on to work on Freeform's Famous in Love and the hit CW series Stargirl.

"At Full Sail they tell you, 'One day, you'll get that call.' And I got the call," says the grad. “我从Full Sail获得了很好的教育和指导,现在达到了精通水平. 所以当梅丽莎让我给她报道或者发表我对事态发展的看法时, which she was great about, I was able to step up to the plate.".

如果她努力工作的态度还不足以让她在娱乐圈的同事们喜欢上她的话, 当然,她对慈善事业的广泛参与也是如此. Aside from fulfilling her role as a television writer, Devan担任华纳兄弟黑人员工董事会主席,同时也是几个社区和教育项目的积极成员,包括华纳兄弟指导计划和 Kids in the Spotlight, which helps empower foster youth through filmmaking.

“一切都回到了那个小女孩,她曾经坐在自己的房间里,在书上乱涂乱画,做着梦," she says. “如果不是这些机会加强了所有娱乐媒介的多样性, I would not be here. 我觉得,一旦我掌握了权力和地位,我就有责任确保回馈社会."

Currently, Devan is one step closer to fulfilling her dream, 作为即将上映的电影的编剧和剧本协调员 legal drama Delilah on the OWN Network. 该剧主创Craig Wright也邀请Devan为另一部即将上映的未命名剧集撰写剧本 Greenleaf spinoff.

“有时候我很不知所措,因为事情太多了. I don't like to sugarcoat it to the students," she says. "I work my ass off, I really do. Every day is hard. 等我们打完这个电话,我就要写9场戏,出2个剧本. 这很难,但这是其中一件让我觉得我天生就是做这个的人."

"I remember that student that saw herself on that lot, whether it was like, 'I'm Black, I'm small, I'm from Baltimore,“我没有让任何这些事情阻止我去追求它,《og体育》给了我信心,让我觉得自己能够来到加州,与一些最好的选手竞争。," says Devan. "In my internship program, there were people from UCLA, there were people from Loyola, there were people from NYU, but I felt like, 'I'm from Full Sail and we gets it in.'"