Full Sail University

教师焦点:Peter Gordon(课程主任,电影商业-电影制作硕士)

电影制作MFA课程导演彼得·戈登曾在Cinemax和NBC工作,并在他来到Full Sail之前帮助推出了高尔夫频道.

Peter Gordon stands outdoors in front of a river. 他穿着一件紫色毛衣,戴着报童帽,戴着一副眼镜.

“如果(学生们)想要他们的创造力来支撑他们——这是我们都想要的, 我们想从电影中赚到足够的钱,这样我们就可以全职拍电影了——那么花时间思考(电影工业)的商业终端就真的很重要了。,” says Peter Gordon, Full Sail电影商业课程的课程主任 Film Production MFA program. Luckily, 彼得可以利用他在NBC等主要电视网数十年的专业经验,向他的学生传授电影制作的实际方面, Cinemax, and the Golf Channel.

在他的职业生涯中,彼得参与了电视行业的几次重大变革. 当NBC被通用电气收购时,他正在NBC工作, 当时他是NBC法律部门的助理,当时该电视台正在谈判入住洛克菲勒广场30号的协议. 当Cinemax和它的姐妹频道合并时,Peter也在Cinemax工作, HBO, 成为最早提供多路频道的两家有线电视网.

In the jobs I’d had, 我的大部分时间都花在谈判授权协议和起草合同上, and of course, 制定长期计划……我教他们制定计划的重要性, the importance of negotiating, how to read a contract, 如何注意合同的内容."

“当HBO决定推出多厅电影时,我是Cinemax的节目助理经理, which meant three channels of HBO and two of Cinemax,” he says. “We had to figure out what that meant. 你如何安排电影有线电视系统的第二个频道? How do you put those systems in place? How do you make sure you're not duplicating stuff? Now, of course, everybody's got multiple channels, so it's commonplace, but at the time, it had never been done before.”

彼得也是推出高尔夫频道团队的一员, 第一个专门转播单一体育项目的电视频道之一. Programming was his primary responsibility. In addition to scheduling golf tournaments, 彼得和他的团队制作了一个30分钟的新闻节目,叫做 Golf Central, an instructional show called Golf Channel Academy, and a reality competition show called The Big Break. 彼得帮忙弄到了纪录片,高尔夫历史节目,还有一个现场访谈节目叫 Golf Talk Live, and more on the channel’s programming schedule.

“我们必须从一开始就弄清楚(一个小众体育频道)是什么, 我们没有很多模型作为基础,” he says. “Essentially, 我们做的所有项目都是第一次有人做它们……我还必须弄清楚它们在时间表中的位置. How do you create the schedule? 你是如何创造重复的以及你是如何将它们组合在一起的? We did a lot of experimenting in those days.”

彼得获得了谈判方面的专业经验, pitching, contracts, and collaboration when he worked in programming. 这种背景赋予他独特的视角,使他的学生受益 Business of Film class. 本课程涵盖影视行业的基本业务组成部分, like raising money for creative projects, negotiating deals, understanding taxes and intellectual property laws, marketing, and submitting to film festivals.

“In the jobs I’d had, 我的大部分时间都花在谈判授权协议和起草合同上, and of course, 制定长期计划……我教他们制定计划的重要性, the importance of negotiating, how to read a contract, 如何注意合同的内容.

“[I also talk about] working with creatives, 与编剧、导演和开发人员合作, taking a lot of pitches,” he continues. “当我负责编程时,我总是被推销, and also when I was running production companies, I did the pitching. 我可以和学生们一起进行宣传和开发, that's one of the things we talk about.”

尽管他在各大电视台的工作经历带来了很多激动人心的时刻, 彼得在Full Sail的时光给他带来了一些最有意义的经历. 最近,他庆祝了自己在电影制作硕士课程学习10周年, 他喜欢和那些在这个行业崭露头角的学生保持联系.

“我仍然会接到以前和我一起上课的学生的电话. 当他们打电话或发邮件说:“嘿,我在你的课上学到了很多东西。. I'm thinking of starting a business.’ I just got an email today from students who graduated a couple years ago; they completed a feature and were asking me to help them, to give them advice on marketing, for example. I do a lot of that. I’m always thrilled when that happens,” he says.