Full Sail University

Full Sail和WWE庆祝两年的教育和娱乐合作伙伴关系

2014年5月17日,Full Sail大学和WWE庆祝了合作两周年.

Full Sail和WWE庆祝两周年教育和娱乐合作伙伴关系-英雄形象

On May 17, 2014 Full Sail University and WWE 庆祝两周年的合作伙伴关系,使体育娱乐巨头的永久固定在校园, 并为学生和校友提供了独一无二的教育和职业机会.

这次合作的核心是定期录制 WWE NXT television series in the Full Sail Live Venue – which airs in more than 60 countries worldwide. The first broadcast performance was held May 17, 2012, and there have since been 100 episodes of NXT produced that have brought generations of WWE Superstars to campus. Just a few of these entertainers include Triple H, Sheamus, Sin Cara, John Cena, Big E Langston, Daniel Bryan, Jey Uso, Jimmy Uso, The Great Khali, Big Show, “The Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels, Bret “The Hitman” Hart, and the WWE Divas.

The NXT series focuses on up and coming athletes, and on July 11, 2013 the WWE opened a dedicated Performance Center 在Full Sail校园附近寻找新人才. 该设施为潜在的艺人提供全面的计划-包括环内培训, physical preparedness, and character development. The 26,000平方英尺的空间还设有七个训练环, a world-class strength and conditioning program, and edit and production facilities.

In addition to the entertainment output, NXT 录音也让Full Sail的学生参与到他们的宣传和制作中来. Spearheading these efforts is the WWE & Full Sail Student Initiative, which provides opportunities to volunteer, learn alongside, 并在营销等领域与WWE员工一起学习, social media, media production, graphic design, and more. For any given event approximately 50 to 60 学生将参加当天的制作,与另一个近似 30 在一周内协助现场设备的安装和拆卸.

该计划还允许学生协助其他WWE制作在佛罗里达州中部地区和超越. 最近的一个亮点是8人前往路易斯安那州的新奥尔良 WrestleMania 30, held on April 6, 2014. 这个学生小组的六名成员作为摄制组的一员担任制作角色, 帮助广播该组织最大的年度活动,达到创纪录的100万美国观众.S. 通过WWE网络和按次付费.

除了支持学生的实践教育, proceeds from ticket and merchandise sales from NXT 为Full Sail的学生设立奖学金基金.. To date, WWE has awarded six $10,000 scholarships to students since 2012, 这些获奖者是Geraldo Gutierrez(录音艺术), Felipe Giannazzo (Show Production), Allison Iliev (Creative Writing), Claribel Ross (Entertainment Business Masters), Hamza Aboufirass (Film), and Hunter Haines (Film).

这只是作为Full Sail和WWE合作伙伴关系的一部分,向学生开放的校园活动和机会的一部分, 我们也看到许多人在毕业后继续在公司工作.

回顾过去两年这段独特的关系, Full Sail President Garry Jones offered, “我们对WWE在认可我们学生的努力和梦想方面的持续奉献感到谦卑. 与WWE的合作提升了Full Sail大学的教育体验,为我们的学生创造了许多机会,让他们受到娱乐制作行业一些最优秀人才的指导. 我们迫不及待地想看到这一不断发展的伙伴关系的未来.”

“我们很自豪地庆祝我们与Full Sail大学的独特合作伙伴关系, 继续帮助WWE培养下一代人才, both in the ring and behind-the-scenes,” said Paul LevesqueExecutive Vice President, Talent, Live Events & CreativeWWE. “Full Sail的学生将继续作为我们学校不可或缺的一部分 NXT 制作团队,我们期待着在未来的许多年里与Full Sail大学合作.”

其他值得注意的Full Sail/WWE合作包括:

  • In August 2013 Full Sail and WWE hosted the “WWE Hackathon,这是一场专为Full Sail学生举办的全球性游戏竞赛. 64 students participated, and during the 48-hour hackathon, designed, prototyped, 并向WWE的评委们展示了一个动作游戏的概念, 以及其他通信/技术专业人士. The winning team, Team Synapse, was awarded $5,000; second place Team Vorpal received $3,000; and third place Team High Five Games received $1,000.
  • 2014年2月,Full Sail担任节目主持人 NXT ArRIVAL这是第一次在最近推出的比赛中进行直播 WWE Network这是这家体育娱乐巨头基于订阅的视频流媒体服务.
  • 2014年2月,学生们在一个名为“The Future Is Now: A Conversation with WWE.” This included a panel discussion and Q&与WWE现场活动人才执行副总裁的对话 & 创意,保罗·莱维斯克(WWE巨星三重H),“WWE之声”迈克尔·科尔,首席作家 & Showrunner for Raw and SmackDown, Dave Kapoor, and WWE Executive Vice President of Special Events, John Saboor.