满帆 University

Grads Return to 校园 Recruiting for Epic 游戏

Grads from multiple degree programs returned to campus to interview students for internships 和 full-time roles.

研究生s 和 Epic 游戏 team members Am和a Sweaton, 亚伦伊迪法官明确指出, 和 Cory Kolek recently visited campus to offer advice to students 和 conduct interviews for positions with the North Carolina-based game developer.

Epic 游戏, responsible for popular titles such as Fortnite战争机器, looked to 满帆 students 和 soon-to-be graduates for internships in their engineering, 设计, 和 art departments. Beyond just internships, Epic was also interviewing c和idates for full-time support engineer positions.

Jonathan Fitzpatrick, a Lead Support Engineer with Epic, shares how 满帆’s 游戏开发 curriculum is producing just the type of hires the developer is seeking. He noted that 满帆's development programs are not only focused on the latest programming languages, but that students here are also taught stalwart legacy languages like C++. "There are a diminishing number of schools teaching C++ 和 they're ab和oning it for things like C# 和 Java,他说. "And it makes it much harder to hire because people who are trained in that have a really hard time getting into this."

Beyond technical skills, grads shared what they think the 满帆 education model does to prepare students for jobs with big-time developers.

亚伦, 游戏设计 和 Development graduate who currently serves as a Senior Technical 设计er 和 Gameplay Programmer for Epic, recalls how his time at 满帆 prepared him. "When I took all these courses, it was amazing to me how much it was like work,” says Aaron. “We were here eight, ten hours a day doing our thing 和 figuring out how to become game developers."

An emphasis on community 和 teamwork also plays a key role in helping developers prepare for the industry says 游戏艺术 grad Am和a Sweaton. "Mistakes will happen sometimes 和 if you're with a good team, they're going to empower you 和 help you fix it as a team,她说. "I think 满帆 helped prepare me for that."

Cory Kolek, who studied 游戏开发 in his time at 满帆, encourages students to aim high when applying at developers like Epic 游戏. "Don't undersell yourself when you're looking for that first job," says Cory. "The first job is going to be the hardest one to get."