Full Sail University


萨迪·保尔森和马克·科平致力于将无障碍技术引入一系列行业, including gaming.


Digital Cinematography grad Sady Paulson approaches video editing head first. 这不是隐喻,尽管她确实带着清晰的愿景和目标进入每个项目. 但与其他编辑器不同的是,Sady使用开关访问扫描系统来控制Final Cut Pro.

Here’s how it works: Sady, who was born with cerebral palsy, 她的轮椅头枕两侧有两个开关吗. 她通过左右移动头部来控制这些开关,从而在主电脑上做出选择, a Macbook Pro. 这个系统连接到她所有的设备上——从轮椅到iPhone. Once she selects which device she wants to control, 她面前摆着一个“板子”——基本上是一个功能列表和键盘快捷键,让她可以控制每个设备或程序. Using this system, she can text, email, talk on the phone (through automated voice software), and much more.

All technology should feel organic and transparent. And that’s what these companies are doing. 它们不仅提升了用户体验,还改善了人们的生活."

Sady was introduced to scanning systems by Mark Coppin, a 2012 graduate of Full Sail’s Education Media Design & 技术硕士og体育(后来演变成我们现在的 Instructional Design & Technology master’s degree program)和北达科他州安妮·卡尔森中心的辅助技术主任.

“你和我用键盘或鼠标能做的一切, Sady can do with those two switches,” says Mark. “她有一个精心挑选的键盘,使她尽可能高效. 这可能需要你或我25次按键和一些鼠标动作, she can do in one macro action. 她能够比大多数人更快地编辑,因为她开发了快捷方式.”

“当我在上数字电影专业的时候, nobody on the other end knew I had a disability,” says Sady, who attended classes online. “他们看到的都是我的工作,结果是我的能力.”

Featured image - Sady Mark Rob In Line

左至右:Mark Coppin,模拟和可视化项目总监Rob Catto和Sady Paulson

马克花了20多年的时间和像桑迪这样的学生一起工作, 评估他们独特的访问问题,并根据他们的需求构建可访问性解决方案. 他看到无障碍技术以各种可以想象的方式发展. In 2009, he was named an Apple Distinguished Educator, 目前,他在世界各地举办有关最新无障碍解决方案的研讨会和演讲. 他说,这些年来他看到的最大变化是对无障碍技术适应其他行业的需求, like gaming.

“在很多方面,像Sady这样的人正在推动这个行业. 但我也喜欢看到游戏社区发生的变化。. “Their hands slow them down, 所以他们着眼于追踪玩家目光的眼球运动技术, 还有免提功能,比如语音激活. 所有这些技术在可访问性社区中已经存在多年了, 但现在它们的定价处于普通消费者的水平.”

科技公司也在对他们的操作系统做出重大改变,包括开箱即用的可访问功能. Apple’s latest OS includes switch control, voice activation, 还有很多其他的可访问性功能.

“我在生活中使用苹果的所有产品,每个设备都有专门的用途. My set-up includes an iPad for social media, 两台MacBook pro和一部iPhone,用于学习和一般通讯, and a 27-inch iMac for video editing,” says Sady.

“The integration is seamless,” adds Mark. “All technology should feel organic and transparent. And that’s what these companies are doing. 它们不仅提升了用户体验,还改善了人们的生活.”

2016年10月,苹果公司在发布新产品的媒体活动上播放了一部有关该主题的电影,突显了苹果公司对提高产品可访问性的关注. That film’s editor? Sady Paulson.

More recently, 萨迪和马克有机会参观了Full Sail的校园,参观了FabLab和VR/AR实验室等技术设施.

“看看Full Sail正在开发的技术, 我们开始看到其中一些解决方案如何应用于可访问性问题,” says Mark. “For instance, if we have a student who is medically fragile, a simulation might allow them to visit the Louvre. And with a virtual environment, 你可以让你的经历变得更加丰富,甚至比你我亲自去参观所经历的还要丰富. You could get closer to the Mona Lisa than ever before.”

“It’s about going farther,” he says. “在最好的情况下,技术消除了各种障碍.”