
媒体设计 Grad Gets Creative While Marketing TV Shows

As Marketing 设计 Manager for ION 电视, Gregg Farrington oversees conceptualizing 和 creating digital content for a wide range of original programming.

Gregg is wearing a black shirt 和 rectangular glasses. He is st和ing in front of a pink background with his arms crossed.

Gregg Farrington didn’t plan on coming back to 满帆大学 after graduating more than ten years earlier – especially in the middle of a global p和emic.

“在远程工作期间,我一如既往地感到无聊. 是的, 我确实有工作要做, but just like everyone else during the p和emic, 我们只是不知道发生了什么. I just took it upon myself to go back to school,” explains Gregg.

When Gregg first started his 满帆 journey back in 2008, he was trying to choose between getting his bachelor’s 和 joining the United States Air Force. Eventually, he decided to dedicate all of his time to his education 和 graduated with a 数字艺术 & 设计学士 in 2010.

后不久, Gregg moved to New York City to work as a graphic design intern for ad agency DiMassimo Goldstein before returning to Florida to work in an ad agency focused on luxury real estate as a senior graphic designer. This was Gregg's first of many senior positions, 和 he received it just months after graduating.

“I was art directing a couple of different projects for a luxury beauty hair company as well 和 dealt with different launches of products. In addition to that, I also attended hair shows. And let me tell you, hair/beauty shows, it's a thing,” laughs Gregg. “It's kind of like if you go to a convention for MegaCon or Comic-Con or anything like that. It's basically the same thing, except for beauty 和 cosmetics."

After working for a senior living company for a couple of years 和 leading its rebr和 和 launch with an external br和ing agency, 葛雷格在ION电视台找到了一个职位.

“I just decided to evolve into something that was a little bit out of my comfort zone, 那就是电视,他说. 

Gregg started as a Multimedia 设计er 和 was promoted to Marketing 设计 Manager around the same time that he received his 媒体设计硕士 学位. He says 满帆 prepared him for how fast-paced working in television can be. “满帆是一所很棒的学校. It allows you to think on your toes really fast."

His current position is multi-faceted, 和 he works on projects using a wide range of tools. “I mainly work with Photoshop, Illustrator, In设计, 和 Microsoft PowerPoint. 是的,我们做ppt。”他笑着说.

他还为付费媒体设计图形, leads teams to design static graphics for upcoming original network shows, 和 works closely with the art director 和 associate art director to ensure the show’s aesthetic is consistent 和 tells the same story in all the media he produces.

“The art directors don't tell me how to design. 更像是我有远见, 我有了布局, but there are certain things that I may not catch.”

Gregg has designed media for multiple television shows, including 他们认识的和Tamron Hall一起的人 法庭电视,还有 表现你的年龄约翰逊 在Bounce TV上.

作为一名经理, I’m not just designing something 和 making it look pretty, 但也创造了不同的版本. You have to create a Premiere dated version, a Sunday version, a Tonight version, 和 so forth.”

He also encourages aspiring designers to take chances when looking for the perfect job or dream job – as long as they keep evolving throughout the process.

“Changing companies has to be done in a way that you know will benefit you as a creative for any type of growth, whether it's growth in the way you talk to clients, 与其他设计师合作的能力有所提高, or even to the point where you need more experience to get to that managerial position.”