满帆 University

Student Group Helping WWE with ‘NXT’ Social 媒体 Initiatives

当 WWE 和 满帆 announced a partnership last year that brought live tapings of the NXT series to the 满帆 Live Venue, Show Production students jumped at the opportunity to shadow WWE crewmembers.

Student Group Helping WWE with ‘NXT’ Social 媒体 Initiatives - Hero image

当 WWE 和 满帆 announced a partnership last year that brought live tapings of the NXT series to the 满帆 Live Venue, Show Production students jumped at the opportunity to shadow WWE crewmembers. At the same time, Entertainment 业务 课程主任 罗伯洞穴 和 体育 Marketing & 媒体 课程主任 Christopher Woodward saw the partnership as an opportunity to get involved in the marketing 和 promotion aspect as well.

“We wanted to look for ways we could provide some kind of experience for business 和 marketing students outside the normal event management aspects of the show,罗布说。. The pair selected a team of elite Entertainment 业务音乐行业体育 Marketing & 媒体 students recommended by their 课程主任s, together the group pitched a marketing plan to WWE Senior Marketing Executives, which according to Rob, the students “knocked out of the park.”

从那时起, the group has worked with the WWE’s Social 媒体 team to come up with new ways to get fans involved during NXT tapings 和 help bring in new NXT fans from outside of the 满帆 community. Tasks have included surveying fans about the tapings, hosting T-shirt giveaways 和 photo contests to increase crowd participation, helping manage NXT‘s 推特 feed 和 脸谱网 fan page.

Christopher 和 Rob are looking to soon grow the number of members in the group from around eight currently to about 15-20. They’ll be taking into account GPA, 全球定位系统(GPS), 课程主任 recommendations when considering applicants. “这是 basically all of the requirements that a real internship requires,” says 音乐行业 student 里奇皮尔森, another current member of the group.

“这是 a great opportunity for students to get their feet wet, on a small scale here, but working for a large company,” says Christopher. “And it’s a great way to network within 满帆.”