
This Grad Ensures Championship Audio for ‘泰德套索’

录音艺术 grad Ryan Kennedy creates crystal clear sound at Warner Bros. 娱乐.

录音艺术 grad Ryan Kennedy sits in front of a large recording console.

泰德套索 is one of Apple TV+’s biggest hits, and Ryan Kennedy gets to see each episode before it airs. The 录音艺术 grad works as a Re-记录 Mixer at Warner Bros. 娱乐 (which co-produces the show), and he puts the finishing touches on the show’s audio track before it appears on your TV screen. Ryan’s lifelong love of sound and his degree from 满帆 brought him to where he is today.

瑞安在中西部长大, where he spent lots of time playing guitar, 低音, and saxophone in different bands. He wasn’t sure what type of career he wanted to pursue after high school, but he kept coming back to his love of music. A friend told him about 满帆, and Ryan joined the 录音艺术课程 提高他的听觉技能. The degree program helped him get started in the music industry right after he graduated.

Ryan’s recording studio career path followed a traditional trajectory from intern to runner to second engineer to house engineer, but he struggled to maintain a steady roster of well-paying clients after the Great Recession. He started looking at post-production work to supplement his income and gradually forged a new audio production path in the television industry. After a few years of juggling freelance music clients and new work in television, he snared a staff position as a Re-记录 Mixer at Warner Bros. 娱乐.

Ryan’s worked on some big hits during his time at Warner Bros., including reboots of All That and Murphy Brown, High School 音乐al: The 音乐al — The Series, 和艾美奖得主 泰德套索. 他说 泰德套索 has been the highlight of his career so far.

“I mean, the very first episode we saw last year, it was just like, ‘man.’ My mixing partner and I just kind of looked at each other and said, ‘We have something really special with this.当它终于出来的时候, and seeing the response that it's gotten, it's just been overwhelming and really nice,瑞恩说。.

Ryan’s got a good reason to be proud of 泰德套索’s success: As a Re-记录 Mixer, he is one of the last people that touches the show’s audio track before it airs.

“I receive the elements from all the pre-lay editors who build their portions of the show, 无论是对话, 福利, 或组, which is live recorded sounds in the background,他解释道. “And then all these elements are delivered to me and my co-mixer, who handles the effects and backgrounds that are built by the pre-lay editors. And then we bring all these materials and elements together and give it the final mix that is aired on TV.”

Stretching those technical muscles is one of Ryan’s favorite parts of his job.

“我只是一个音频迷. 我爱鄂青音. 我被它迷住了. I love when something comes over a little messed up and I make it crystal clear. 这对我来说是件很酷的事. I've always enjoyed handling audio, and it's always been a passion,” he says.

Ryan’s excited to see what happens next for him at Warner Bros., and he thinks other 满帆 students can find careers that spark their passion with a little determination and kindness.

“I think the trick is, don’t stop no matter what. There are ups and downs, and lots of them, and I'm going to have many downs to come, I'm sure. 只要继续做下去. 永远不要过河拆桥. Everyone knows everyone, in one capacity or another.”

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